My Belief Statement

I believe the Bible, God’s holy word, is true.

I believe God is Holy, perfect, pure, and without fault. God is all powerful, all knowing, is everywhere at the same time.

I believe God created the heavens and the earth.

I believe God loves his creation and all people.

I believe God created the angels, including one angel so magnificent, so beautiful, incredibly intelligent, and cunning that rose above all the angels. That angel is Lucifer. Lucifer thought too highly of himself and wanted to be God. Lucifer convinced a third of the angels to follow him and leave God.

God removed Lucifer and his followers to the earth.

I believe Lucifer, renamed Satan and his followers renamed demons, tempted Adam and Eve to sin.

Sin is the opposite of God. Man (men and women) was intended to be perfect and live forever in harmony with God.

I believe man was tempted by Satan and chose to disobey God.

I believe Man’s sin broke the relationship with God. Man needs a savior to put us back in right relationship with God.

I believe Jesus is the son of God and the sacrifice for our sin.

I believe Jesus was sent to earth to save every person in the world from their sin.

I believe Jesus died and his blood was the sacrifice needed to put man back into right relationship with God.

I believe, believing in Jesus and accepting Jesus as your savior is the ONLY way to God and to live forever with God.

I believe accepting Jesus as your savior is how you get to heaven.

I believe humans cannot be good enough to get to heaven on our on effort. Jesus sacrifice for us is the only way!

I believe faith without works is dead. James 2:26 This means if you love and follow Jesus and live by God’s word (the Bible) you will choose to have a relationship with him and do what he asks.

I believe Jesus is coming back to the earth and will destroy Satan, the demons, and all those who refuse to accept him as their savior.

I believe those who deny Jesus will go to hell!

I believe those who accepted and live for God will live forever with him in heaven!

I believe there will be a new heaven and a new earth and we will live forever with God.

I believe there will be no evil, no sadness, no immorality, no death in heaven. There will only be happiness, love, togetherness, and perfect peace.

I believe mankind knows there is only one true God.